Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Week Of Thanksgiving

Every night when I say my prayers, I thank my Heavenly Father for our home that gives us shelter and keeps us safe. Often I think my children wonder why I continually thank Heavenly Father for this blessing of shelter and comfort. This picture speaks volumes as to why every day and every night I will continue to thank him for what I have. Tonight I am speaking on budgeting and Christmas (which is pretty much an oxymoron and a topic that no one should have to listen to) but it has given me time to think about what I have and what I do with what I have. I gave my children some suggestions about what they could give me for Christmas and I am adding this one. Anything from I think a goat is a fun gift. My sister and her family as well as my parents have been involved with this charity for years and everything given goes directly to help villagers improve their village. I am hoping that as my children read about others and their struggles to survive they will come to understand that a daily prayer offering thanks is really a gift to ourselves as we slow down enough to realize all we need is right around us. Be grateful, more grateful today for one thing than you were yesterday.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

That is a gift after my heart Linda! My Mom keeps saying "no gifts" and that she doesn't need more "stuff," so one year I gave her a gift like what you are suggesting. I emphatically concur with what you wrote!


What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

Mt. Whitney

Mt. Whitney
Two Men Conquer the Mountain

The Family

The Family
Sun-kissed and oh so happy at Leo Carillo! Our Easter tradition for 20 years and we couldn't be in a better place. Life is all about family and I feel so blessed to have the children and husband that I have.

Jordan at Bass Lake

Jordan at Bass Lake
He thinks he's pretty awesome...

Dad and his other boys

Dad and his other boys
Coach Urmston pumping up the boys before they break two Area records.

Nicole and Courtney

Nicole and Courtney
Happy Birthday to Harry Potter! Candice threw a great bash for Harry's birthday - We should llive at Hogwarts.


Logan and Buddha are hardcore.

Mommy and Talia

Mommy and Talia
Wake up, Mommy. Yee-haw, yee-haw!

Talia and Candice

Talia and Candice


Bo Derek building sandcastles.

Marky Marc

Marky Marc
On his way to China.


Doesn't get any better than this!