We were stuck driving in a blizzard----driving for four hours through Utah. I do love my Bakersfield weather in December. So here is the letter.
Feliz Navidad!!!!!!!! well this has got to be the weirdest christmas of my life but i love it. we went to asuncion and had a little shin-dig it was way fun. we left at 1 in the morning got there at 630ish went and got some breakfast at a little tienda. after that we all sat down in the big room with all the missionaries in the whole mission it was sweet. i got to see all my buddies from the mtc and they all said they dont understand anyone either so i dont feel so bad anymore. but after a few salutations the presidente said we were going to the movie theatre. but he didnt tell us what movie so we all (180 to be exacted) walked through the street of paraguay to the movie theatre in our suits and ties it looked pretty cool sorry no photo. everyone was all pumped cause we went into the madagascar 2 theatre, i didnt even know they were making a 2nd one, but alas our hopes were shot down when the lds commericals started to role. ¨isnt it about....time from the church of Jesus Christ...¨ but it was still cool to watch the nativity in spanish. after that we had a little musical program and this abuelo played the harp. then we eat and exchanged gifts i got this killer lapiz holder. over all pretty bomb fiesta. this week went by way fast but i feels like i did so much and i want to tell you like a million things. welll first we got another set of missionaries in our apartment they were having problems with their apartment so they are staying with us for the week it has been fun living with three latinos who dont know any english. it has helped my spanish a lot. i still have trouble understanding everything but after they say it 2 or 3 or 4 times i can get it. ha luckily guy jokes arent that complex and most of them dont even need words so those are pretty easy to understand. we have a lot of new investigators this week everyone wants to talk about Jesus right now hopefully this will continue after christmas too. most of the families are really interested and like the lessons a lot until we teach the word of wisdom. then the dads dont really like having us over anymore. paraguayans are interesting people they think that it is fine to get hammered everynight and it wont effect their bodies, but they wont eat watermelon and milk together cause they think their stomach will blow up. yeah i dont know. teaching the word of wisdom as a health principle is pretty worthless here good thing its a commandment from God and we can just read them a scripture about it and bear testimony and then most of them understand. i love bearing my testimony, maybe because thats all i can really do well right now in spanish, but the biggest reason i think is because i love feeling the spirit and speaking through that power. sometimes im not really 100 percent sure on what i said but as long as they understood and they felt the spirit thats all that matters. dang i have to get off i still have so much more to tell you. luckily im talk to you on wednesday. you can call me at hermana hernadas casa at 595-0615-01176 ill be waiting at 4 oclock my time so i think thats 1 your time but double check on that for me por favor. and this is wednesday not thursday i hope thats fine. if not well then make it fine cause i want to talk to you all. les amo muchoooooooooooo!!!!! i love being a missionary.