Once in a while right in the middle of life a fairytale comes along.
After a two week wait-School started and the football season is here- I have finally sat down to complete the tag from one of my fabulous family members!
1. Where did you meet your husband?
I met my husband when he wasn't even there. He was serving a mission and his mom was giving a talk in Stake Conference about the blessings of having a son on a mission. While she was talking I kept thinking this sounds like someone I could fall in love with. She continued talking about what a great brother he was and loved kids. That was it, I know that somehow he would be my husband. (Little did I know that it would be a four year wait, but sometimes I can be patient)
2. What was the first thing you said?
I'm not sure when I finally did meet him but it was probably at the famous Country Club deli so I would venture to say it was "Would you like avocado on that" or something else profound and romantic.
3. Our first date was "just dreamy" He had found out from his sister Carrie some of my favorite things. Famous Amos cookies- Haagen Daaz ice cream- songs I can't even remember (due to my children taking over all my brain cells) We went to see Karate Kid. (ouch am I really that old?) I am totally creeped out by theatre floors and imagine mice running around so I can't put my feet on the fround. I put my legs over on his and had no idea that he would think I was forward-Whatever- After the movie we went to Scott Elison's condo overlooking the bluffs and he played his tape of recorded songs and we danced most the night away. He definitely made a mark in my book for most romantic dates. He hasn't dissapointed me yet. He still makes a weekly date a priority.
4. First Kiss
I had heard around the institue (it was the coolest place to hang out under the supervision of Bro. Glen Wahlquist and Sis. Julie Chambers) that he had kissed most the girls so I decided not to be kissed so it was months before we kissed and it was under the street light on Foothill drive while we were out for a walk one evening.
5. Courtship
We dated one summer then he dated around but he could not get me out of his system (ie I made sure he knew I was around)so after three summers, watching every game he coached for his little brothers, I made the cut and was the keeper.
6. Where did you get engaged?
We were at a party at Lisa Reno Harding's house on the fourth of July. It is a fun date because there are always fireworks which pretty much described how crazy in love I was with him.
7. Wedding and Reception
We were married in his parent's house and had a reception in their backyard which was a beautiful place for a reception.
9. Honeymoon
We were married in August and our honeymoon was in Arizona. Needless to say with an airconditioned room and the outside temp well over 100 we didn't leave our room much.
That was great, I love hearing about peoples courtships!
Brought back lots of memories.
Barbara J.Wahlquist said -Oh, my! Hello from Glen and Barbara Wahlquist. We are just learning about blogs and were in Burbank with Kathy (husband Andrew and two boys, Liam and Caleb.) We googled Glen and found you. What a fun surprise! I am starting one called barbs babblings. Hope to hear from you! Love ya.
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