Okay there have already been two birthdays this year. I want to post pictures of my two birthday kids from January so this is just Jordan's letter for now. I recommitted to read scriptures daily with the family and I am admitting publicly to the world that once again we haven't been the shining example sooooooooooooo, of course our missionary is reminding us to do it. OUCH-so if you see me ask me to keep me accountable how we are doing on marking our scriptures as directed by the boy in Paraguay. Here is his letter and I hope it will touch your heart. Once again, thank you to all of you who love him and have played a part in helping him to be the wonderful servant that he is.
> Familia, les quiero mucho,
> Well once again the Lord has blessed me with another amazing companion. My last Comp, Elder Lytle moved up to AP cause hes a stud, and President put me with ELDER OLSON!!!!!!! who is just a missionary machine!! this elder was just born to be a Missionary, lives in Placentia, near Anahim(sp), comes from a family of 10, youngest of 8 who have all served missions, and whos parents are currently in Mexico serving a mission. i hope that helps you understand what im working with here. Im pretty sure as a child when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up the answer was A MISSIONARY! and he probably said it in Spanish. Just know that im really excited and feel very blessed to be with him.
> Zone wise. everythings going great we have 2 brand new district Leaders who are looking for guidance and molding which i love cause we all going to be on the same page this change. and Elder Laughter my homie from the young years is in my zone as the other district leader. and on top of all of that they opened two new areas in out zone. which makes 26 missionaries!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! its going to be great, last change i did a lot of worrying and stressing out but i think i have a better understand of my calling and what the Lord expects from me and im going to do all i can to complete that following and trusting in Him.
> Well you all sound great, Basketball season is always an interesting time for Liberty. Logan just keep being a Baller, someday somebody will realize the Game and the blood you got. Until then you just gotta keep your head. and the jerseys should be there this week or the next they were sent the 30 of diciembre.
> side note thank you Grandma for the package`i i loved it and am reaping the blessing of american taco seasoning and koolaid.
Also just wanted to share something about my personal study that i have been doing. President Callan challanged the entire Mission to re-read the entire Book of Mormon tapa a tapa marking all references to the Savior. His names, his attributes, his words, his Doctrine. each one of those in a different color. counting how many times the Book of Mormon talks of Christ. Almost every page in my book looks like Rainbow from all the marks that i make. i have found a better understanding for the Book of Mormon and my testimony has grown from doing so. By taking this challange i testify with more power and clarity everyday. those that read this aswell are invited to do the same go by a brand new copy of the Book of mormon and read at least a chapter a day marking all references to the Savior, Jesus Christ. i promise you that your testimony of Him and the Book of Mormon will grow and your understanding of the two will be strengthen.
Ps those in immediate family, i would like a response to my invitation, Dad down to Melanie.
pss the other day i started laughing mid-read thinking if our family was the family of nefi mason would be jacob, in ch 4 ver 1 when he was complaining about how hard it was to write on those stinkin plates. haha. kid never could write a clean sentence. jk Mason Ether 12 26 God gives you weaknesses to make you strong and someday you be scriptist (word?)
Ive been praying for you dad and i hope everything turns out great with whitney, the place changes lifes. testigo de eso.
pss how is Carla Lewis doing as well as uncle Dale. i have been praying for them a lot. but i havent received an update.
k gotta go love you all and feel the power of your prayers daily. i lvoe being a missionary.
Homecoming 2016
8 years ago
I had a dream last night that Jordan came home for a quick visit. If I was that thrilled in my sleep, I seriously can't wait for the actual thing.
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