hey hows life fam? im so pumped for football this year i better get good updates. you two better wreck some fools. your probably all in school right now. LOCO!!!! Masons a senior, i cant believe it.
k so this week was mas o menos. we had a lot of downs but luckily the ups out numbered the downs. i let you know what the downs were first. the first and mas grande was with Tomas and Maura. they didnt come to church last week and we ewre like alright their not realy to progress so we dropped them. then they called and said that want to come to church and get baptized. so yours truely was dumb and believed them and we took the to Asuncion to get Mauras cedula aka identification. And they were all happy and reading their book of Mormon they had questions and were just golden then i dont know what happen they said they would be there Sunday we tested their faith and let them try and come on their own. Didnt work so we went and looked for them and Maura saw me coming and ran from me. i wanted to cry. the day before she was showing me here marked scriptures and telling me what parts she liked out of 2 nephi 31 and the next day she acted like she didnt know me. And had no interested in going to church. so i told here if you change and want our help and the lords help come to church but were not going to there house anymore. So that was a bummer. The other bummer was everyone in Acahay was mad at the president cause he said they were lame-o´s for not coming to church last week and going to the party. So we got problems to fix and we have to try and do it in Guarani which is like asking an marc Urmston boy to fix a computer. its just not going to happen. so there is my venting now for the Bendiciones!!!!
So yessica aka stud of the year came to church again this week. she even came home from Carapegua where she works a good 30 mins in bus from Acahay to make it. And she had a big-o smile on like always. Anyways my comp went out there on Sunday and gave the sunday school lesson and taught lesson 2 the plan of salvation. and then gave a talk as well and taught lesson 1 the Restoration. it was perfect. so were going out to acahay tomorrow to do the interview of her and Manuel a 9 year old who has been coming to church that we already thought was a member, habia sido, hes not! bendiciones 2 so were going to baptism the two on saturday. In a River!!! im so excited, especially for Yessica shes so ready. i just hope she can get work off.
Other blessing this week in paraguari we had a bunch of poser good investigators but none of them showed up on sunday. i wish i could just MAKE them understand how important this Gospel is for them. But i think someone already tried that plan, and it didnt turn out that Hot for him. (i guess i should say "it didnt turn out so cool for him" ha you know what im saying!) Anyways i was kinda bummed out on sunday cause no one really came to church. but come to find out Gayoso a recent converts, his mother is not baptized and she come to church every week. But we thought there had to be something wrong with her if she has not been baptized yet, like she need to get divored or algo asi. but we asked president and he was all. Oh i forgot to tell you last week she talked to me and wants to get baptized. we were like what!! OK!! so we went to her house and are going again tonight and hopefully she can get baptized this weekend. YIPEE. i love baptisms.
Other good news this week we are going to guasukua, a little pueblo of about 500 that had about 20 members and a couple investigators that need the lessons. so were going thursday on a bus through a dirt path for an hour and a half. the the only problem is that the bus gets there at 10 and then leaves at 11, and there isnt any other buses. So the President gave us two options go for an hour teach a full and run back to the bus. OR go buy hammocks and find two trees load up with mosquito spray and stay the night!!! we picked number two. Im so pumped its going to be crazy. The best part is there is already2 families that have enough assistencias get baptized now! so thats another huge blessing.
So what i need to do is grow up take our trials like a man. Put more faith in the Lord and appriecate the Blessing that come. When life gets hard and i fell like giving up there are two things i like to do one is read Ether 12, which is all about faith and the testimony that comes after the trial of our faith. And the other is to read a quote that Elder Pitcher likes to shared one time that helped me out a lot. im not sure who ts from but it says
True faith is shown when the mountains dont move and the waters dont part.
mom thought(this might be one of my new favorite quotes!)
So just push through your trails and keep that eye of faith and the Lord will bless you ( a good friend ones shared d yc 121 7-9, that one really helps me as well.)
k gotta jet i would send you some pics but some punk kid erased the last four months of my mission yesterday. i want to cry. but next week there will be pics of baptisms!!!
also a small wish list
efy cds
new pants, the dark brown ones form walmart are my favorite. Puritains 34 x 32
for christmas the Iron Gym for pull ups and the full body work out.
mike and ikes
fireballs people down here freakout with those.
and thats it for now
k love you all be happy and good luck with school and the big game this week.