I was wandering through blogland and came upon these pictures. I was overcome with emotion and knew I needed to share my feelings?(Mostly so I will remember how I feel right now.)
In Jordan's letter last week he said they were leaving his black market town at 1 in the morning to travel to the Asuncion Temple. He was so excited about this opportunity. I was filled with gratitude that he understands the importance of attending the temple. While he was in the MTC his favorite part of Pday was walking over to the Provo Temple with his district. It made my heart sing and even do some flip flops when he shared that with me. As a mother I have always tried to express how much I love the Temple and the bessings that come through temple attendance. When that love is shared by your children, it is truly one of the sweetest joys I have ever known.
Yesterday I was able to go to the temple in Fresno. It brought back tender memories of going with Courtney last month. I pulled my temple dress out and pinned to it still, was a little lavendar escort label. I felt grateful all over again for the journey that Courtney took that led her to a temple marriage. I am grateful for the joys that come as I mother my children and know that I need to cherish the joys more and let the other "stuff" just float by. I have wonderful children and I don't tell them often enough how proud of them I am of their good choices. I am enjoying the journey today and writing it down so I will remember, on those days that I think I should have let someone else have these children, that the Lord truly is in charge and I have angels attending and watching over my children. Thank you to Kathy McKeon for opening my eyes to all the wonder of temple attendance.